Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mish Again

Hello Thurr!

We have crossed two more state lines! Indiana and Michigan! We worked on another housing site today- all 30 of us. It was the first time we got to all work together and we got a lot of work done. We put up drywall in the basement, did some landscaping, installed windows, and put the siding up on the house. The best part was I got to work on the basement with the family that will be moving into the house: Jackie, Robert, and their daughter. They were so happy and so excited that we were all there to help. There were also very impressed with the biking aspect. It was so great to see them and know that what we are doing really has a direct effect on the communities and families we meet in every city. Go Bike and Build! Also thank you SO much for all the snail mail I have been receiving. It is such a treat! I love you guys!

1 comment:

E said...

aweeesssome! keep it up!