Friday, May 29, 2009

The Training Continues!

Hello Again Dear Readers,

It is now less than 3 weeks until departure! My anxious excitement is mounting higher every day. I started to get sad thinking about leaving Boston, but I know many fun adventures lay ahead. It is more the people in the place than the place itself I am concerned about leaving. But this will give me an excuse to sharpen my letter writing skills.

I told my boss at Hollywood Express yesterday that I will not be returning to a job that I have loved and hated for the past 2 years. I have made some of the closest friends there and I am very sad to leave them behind.

So on with training, on with packing, and onto the winding road ahead!

So far I have ridden 300 miles on my shiny new Giant Defy 2 which we will be riding across country this summer (not including miles I have put in on the indoor trainer or on my everyday fixie). This does include a recent ride from Worcester, MA which was only about 45 miles but contained a few roller coaster sized hills that made it seem more like 60. I was more than happy to get the training in though and felt energized and optimistic by the end.

That's right, bring it on hills! Show me what you got! I will smash you like a pancake!

I have also been doing some running and strength training as well as some kung-fu and tai-chi (thanks to my new teacher, Ken, at the video store). I feel the strongest I have felt since high school soccer and can't wait to feel even more pumped by the end of the summer.

Thanks for reading and I promise more exciting things once we hit the trails!